
Best response to the objection

‘I HAVE OTHER PRIORITIES in this period of recovery’!

Here is how I answer to this :

  • Receipt of the objection (said sympathetically)

"Of course, I understand very well that you have other priorities! With the recovery, this is completely normal! »

You see - we are going in the direction of the objection, this is what relaxes and defuses the tension.

  • Handling of the objection (said with complicity)

"Besides, it is the case for almost everyone to focus on what is a priority to restart the machine. »

You see there- relative things, which relaxes even more and restores openness.

  • Soft return to your target (said enthusiastically)

"My goal is not to rush things at all, it is rather to plan our meeting well, when it is the right time! And taking dates often allows you to anticipate things well and to be effective! So ... "

Here, we take things in hand and we move towards our goal.

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