
Writing a sales script for a prospecting campaign

The success rate of your phone marketing campaign depends on the design of your script. For any cold calling campaign, a script ensures you do not forget anything at the heart of the discussion.

The success rate of your phone marketing campaign depends on the design of your script. For any cold calling campaign, a script ensures you do not forget anything at the heart of the discussion.

It guides you through the exchange and helps you convey arguments and proven solutions that allow your prospect to understand the reason for your call and the solutions that you offer.

 Here are 4 tips:

  • Introducing yourself is essential, it's the mandatory step. Be brief, introduce yourself, your company, and the reason for your call, stay concise.
  • Get right to the goal quickly. Do not create a script too long and avoid deviating from your goal. Your correspondent also has a busy agenda, it is useless to waste time.
  • In terms of content, talk about how you help, not what you do. Explain the solutions that you bring, if you have a concrete case to share, do not hesitate, if possible, chose an example within the same sector of activity.
  • Keep the dialogue tone, stay in the exchange. Do not bombard your prospect with jargon or terms that he may not know. Do not ask too much questions!

Remember that your script requires a call to action that matches the goals you have defined.

If your call is to place a date for a product demo, suggest two dates and a time at the end of the call.

Remember to close the discussion with specific points, it's as important as the introduction.

The next step will be either sending an email or confirming a date. If you send them an email, be sure to contact them once you have sent it.

 In summary, prepare a clear message, keep your goal in sight and above all, bring value to this exchange for your interlocutor!

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