
Scared to call

Every day during my talks and training sessions, I realise that more and more people are afraid to use the phone.... And yet the phone has never been as present in our lives as it is now.

Fear of using the phone is a form of social anxiety that manifests as intense fear or excessive anxiety to use the phone. This anxiety can manifest itself in different ways in individuals and can vary in intensity.
Some of my colleagues never answer the phone and prefer to send multiple emails even if the subject is urgent.

There are several possible reasons why some people are afraid to make phone calls:
1. Social anxiety
2. Fear of failing or being rejected
3. Lack of non-verbal communication
4. Lack of control
5. Personal preferences

Sometimes this fear of the phone becomes a problem at work and significantly limits the exchange within the company.
Let's discuss to solve this problem.

#Prospecting #phone #vlcconsultingBE #BusinessDevelopment

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